This is my uncle Mulya. He is good at carpenting and home repairing. He is the cousin of my father, I'm calling him 'Uda'. In batak language, We called differently the uncle from father and the uncle from mother. Yes. this is very difficult to understand for new people. But that's the way in our tradition. Every relative in the family is called differently. I called 'Bou' for the little sister of my father. I called 'Uda' for the little brother of my father. I called 'Uak' for the older sister of my mother. And 'Tante' for the little sister of a better.. etc. I explain all of this name later.
In the picture, he is like a 'bandito', very rough face and the impression of violence, but it's not true, actually he is very nice and funny.
This is my other uncle. His name is Bernauli, he is a sculptor, and i create another blog dedicated to him, it's still new and not finished. He is good at making 3D objects. but the real one. I love 3D in the computer world. That's the difference between me and my uncle. In this picture he resemble to my grandfather. I actually never met my grandfather. He died before i was born. I knew him by looking in the pictures which my father kept.
He wears a national hat. It's called 'PECI'. it's very popular in our country and the hat makes you look very mature and respectable.
Older man seems to like to wear PECI, especially, when going to the mosque and praying.
Here's another version of the PECI, with more decorations.